Sunday 26 February 2017

Down - Marian Hill (SONG REVIEW)

Down - Marian Hill
If you haven't heard it:

The charts have been...weird these past couple of years. Back in 2014 and early 2015 when I watched the charts, I had a solid idea of what was going to chart and what type of music we'd be getting. Nowadays, I have absolutely no fucking idea. Not only are there so much different shit the mainstream is now willing to listen to (it used to just be the sample genres like Pop, RnB, Rap & Country, now we get Trap, EDM, Wonky, damn near experimental sometimes too, who knows), but there's just so many factors to track now (Like fuck I'm gonna try and figure out how the fuck Panodra and Soundcloud stream points work). So while I do still like to keep track of iTunes & Spotify charts because I'm a nerd, 40% of new entries I have no fucking idea will be coming. Introduce Down by Marian Hill: A songwriting/producing duo with borderline no past work other than remixes to various shitty songs, and 2 mildly awkward jazz-esque EPs that generated no buzz at all (except for a top 40 hit on the Alternative chart, which is basically the chart equivalent of learning how to do a bounce pass in basketball when you're in the NBA). And with the release of a worthless wreck of a debut album, they now have launched themselves a top 30 hit from being included in an Apple commercial that was aired during the Superbowl. Joy. With all the above information giving me basically nothing, I was completely unbiased to hearing this. So, is Down the start of the rise of a new A-lister in the making, or just another OHW to throw away into the bicycle bin after it's given 20 weeks?

Friday 24 February 2017

Top 10 Best Hit Songs of 2014

2014 was a perfectly mediocre year. A lot of people would say this is a bad year, but I'd argue that wasn't the case. There was a lot of bad of course, but certainly enough good to average it out. Today, will be the best list. And since 2014 actually has a Canadian YE, be prepared to see some of my local favourites on this list. But besides that, let's stop wasting time and jump right into it. The Top 10 Best Hit Songs of 2014!

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Paris - The Chainsmokers (SONG REVIEW)

Paris - The Chainsmokers 
If you haven't heard it: Where the fuck have you been lol

I fucking despise the Chainsmokers. I absolutely fucking hate them. They came onto the scene with the hilariously awful #SELFIE, which was terrible of course, but it wasn't anything to take seriously. But after hearing their work now, that track should have been a massive warning signal of how vapid and smug these dudes are, and BELIEVE ME, are they fucking ever. They made a comeback in late 2015 with Roses, which I liked, and Don't Let Me Down, which has warn on me sure, but I still enjoy it. But after that is when their egos started to pour into their music. I already dissected the horrendous Closer in my Worst of 2016, their boring as tar but still mildly eye rolling fodder single All We Know, and their massive flop of a single Setting Fires, which is possibly even fucking worse than Closer, believe it or not. Safe to say that when I heard they were releasing a new song, I was excited to hear it. Not in a "Oh I can't wait to listen to it" kinda hype though, more of a "I can't wait to tear this shit to shreds" kind of hype. It was released a month ago, and I'm ready to review it.

Or at least, I wish I was.

Friday 10 February 2017

Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2007

Alright, time to Old Dominion & rip it off like a band aid

...that vaguely made sense, but fuck it, that's my intro

Saturday 4 February 2017

I Decided - Big Sean (ALBUM REVIEW)

Big Sean. Big fucking Sean. Where do I even begin with this man. Well, Big Sean is a rapper that got a lot of buzz in 2011 when he got signed to Kanye's label. In that same year, he dropped his first album "Finally Famous", which included the infamous hilarious track "A$$", which I do indeed like. Then over the years, he proceeded to get bigger and bigger, with more and more features (fuck, he was able to get on a JUSTIN BIEBER track!). 2013 he dropped his 2nd album "Hall Of Fame", which included the phenomenal track MILF, one of the funniest rap tracks of the decade. The Big Sean hype train was huge. But I, like everyone else I know, wasn't on it.

Yeah...did I forget to mention those 2 albums were fucking horrendous? Because dear lord were they. Bland beats, horrific bars, and was just overall annoying to listen to. It was clear as day: Big Sean flat out shouldn't be a rapper. But, in 2015, he surprised me with Dark Sky Paradise, the album where he decided to dip more into his serious side, and I liked it! Had some excellent stand out tracks, and was overall enjoyable. So when I heard he was releasing his new album "I Decided" this year, I was ecstatic. I dug the singles enough, so I did have a bit of expectations into this. So, did Sean deliver?

Thursday 2 February 2017

Make Me (Cry) - Noah Cyrus & Labrinth (SONG REVIEW)

Make Me (Cry) - Noah Cyrus ft Labrinth
If you haven't heard it:

Back in 2013, I despised Miley Cyrus. I hated how she totally abandoned Hannah Montana (as you can probably tell) and tried and unfortunately succeeded into turning herself into this vapid but still trying to be soulful artist. It's like a valley girl living in a pool of sewage, taking the occasional swig of holy water when felt needed. My 13 year old self was absolutely irate from her. Looking back on it, I overreacted HARD. I mean sure, as a PERSON she was still horrific, but little me was more focused on her music, which was really not that awful. I kinda dig Wrecking Ball, & Bangerz on a whole was a pretty decent album. But what made me notice this more was when I saw THIS song on the charts: Make Me (Cry) by Noah Cyrus ft Labrinth. I immediately had so many questions:

1. How did I not know Miley had a sibling, and why does she have a singing career? 

2. Why did she decide for her first song (let alone first hit) to collaborate with fucking Labrinth?

3. Why is the "Cry" in parenthesis? What is that supposed to mean?

Well, I listened to the song. And while I quickly ignored it & just continued on with my life, I knew in the back of my mind I wanted to review this when I could, because pop songs like this don't come around very often, let alone chart this high. And I didn't want to wait til December just in case this didn't become a hit, so song review time I guess. So, Miley Cyrus' sister times that one dude you think you know but actually don't: does it equal a positive number?