Monday 13 March 2017

Everyday - Ariana Grande ft Future (SONG REVIEW)

Everyday - Ariana Grande ft Future
If you haven't heard it (or seen it's shitty music video):

If you pay attention to my Twitter at all (which I presume most of you do), you would know I am fucking starved for songs to review. Most of the songs worth a damn are already in the top 20 as we speak, so I might as well save them for my Billboard Top 20 review in a couple of weeks. But I've been even more starved for a GOOD song review, because yes, I do in fact like music sometimes. I wanted something that I like, but people didn't *know* I particularly liked. Anytime I've said "I have no idea what the fuck to review", someone always replies with Location by Khalid. But you all know I fucking love that song, so why the fuck would I review it?

So, I caved in. I chose the Ariana single, off an album I really enjoyed. I remember loving this song months ago when I heard the album, so how is it now?

Surprisingly, it fairs a lot worse. I originally claimed this as one of my favs off the album, now I can barely call it decent. Why you ask? Well, like most pop songs this year, it has a lot of good qualities, but 1 or 2 bad qualities that overshadow them. Now, let's start with what I always wonder going into a pop song: what is it about?

"Oh, he give it to me/Everyday, everyday, everyday, every"

Huh. Subtle.

So it's about Ariana getting all the dick she desires, not an entirely new concept (Ex. Side to Side, Dangerous Woman, almost the entire fucking album), and I can dig it. Love songs (more specifically, Fuck songs) is a very established and overused pop song idea because it tends to work a lot. But... I don't know about this. There's a couple of things I can list off why I don't like it, but the main reason is because it just flat out isn't sexy, which I think it's trying to be. Dangerous Woman was sexy, Side To Side was very sexy (albeit very on the nose and lowkey creepy). Even Into You, which has the same lyrical problems this song has, was pretty fucking sexy. But this doesn't even come close.

"He giving me that good shit/That make me not quit, that good shit/He giving me that good shit/That make me not quit, that good shit"

I mean, ok. He gives you that "good shit", probably could've guessed THAT.

"Anytime, anywhere, baby boy, I can misbehave"

Alright, I can get behind this, now you're gonna get into the details right? I mean, you're Ariana goddamn Grande, you gotta have SOME story about fucking you can share!

"Breathe me in, breathe me out, feel me, I'm running through your veins"

Oh. Well, that...kinda means nothing.

And that's all Ari gives us. With a song about fucking everyday, you'd think there'd be SOME meat to it, but no. Sure she sings like an angel on here, but her writing is worse than mine for fucks sake. It's all so vague, so basic. It doesn't make sense to me. You follow up a single about getting fucked so hard you can't walk properly, to just "Yeah, we fuck". Throw something in there, hook me in somehow. And in comparison to Side to Side, we also swap out Nicki for Future, which is a fucking downgrade if I've ever seen one. But who knows, maybe Future can surprise me. Give it your best kid.

"I put that work on you everyday/When the night fall 'til the sun come up/You done fell in love with a bad guy"

Ok, good, he SEEMS like he's staying on topic. I believe in you Future, you got this!

"I don't compromise my passion"

wait what

"I don't be trippin' or makin' mistakes/I made too many in my past (that's right)", alright, it seems he accidentally dropped in a part of his most recent therapy session. Didn't think I'd say this, but could we get BACK to the sex, please?

"I fight for the things you believe in"

That's good to hear, but I don't think Ariana could give less of a shit. She doesn't want you to destroy anything opposing her, she wants you to destroy HER. Specifically her vagina. Y'know, in case that wasn't quite clear, still not sure if Future understands the English language or not.

"I got your body and put it in drive, baby/Like I got keys in/We 'bout to take us a vacation/I'm 'bout to put all this vintage lovin' on you/Baby, like it was the late 80s/When you ride on me, baby, rotate it"

Well, at least he finished strong. Kinda.

As much as I just ragged on it, Future's verse was actually fairly decent. Sure the kinkiest thing he said for a song about fucking everyday was him possibly fingering her with a set of keys, but hey it's SOMETHING. But the worst part about the vague lyrics isn't about how they "take you out of the atmosphere" or anything reasonable like that, it's that you don't have any interesting lyrics to distract you from this beat that sounds like ass. The bass that belongs in a rotting sewer, trap snares out of fucking nowhere, a looping alarm sound dragged across a chalkboard somewhere in the back of the mix that randomly fucks off at will, intrusions of synths that don't matter in the slightest, it all sounds so fucking ugly. When making a pop song about love, there are 2 different sounds you are allowed to go for. The 2 LLs: Lush, or Lust. It can be this beautiful, sweeping sounds that can be played at weddings and highschool proms, or snappy, bombastic shit that highschoolers WISHED were played at their proms. It's either a Love On The Brain or a Gold Trans Am, and this is neither. This song seems to be trying to go for the former, but it stupidly decided to add modern elements of trap music and it all just. doesn't. work.

Yeah, I wished I liked this a lot more. But the song just doesn't function right. Ariana's performance is great, Future actually does a decent job, and it's catchy sure. But I can't get into a song THIS sloppily written and produced. Should have released Greedy.


(Zara Larrson & possibly Drake albums coming next, so watch out for that)

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning content you have here... I really love this song. Appreciated at
    Ariana Grande Quit
