Thursday 20 July 2017

Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2015

Why, fancy seeing you here! It seems like you decided to click on my Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2015 list! You couldn't wait to see my bitter ass tear into yet another year end list, couldn't you? Well, being honest, this list was probably the hardest to thrash, because I loved the 2015 YE. SO many fantastic songs, so many that I would willingly and actively seek out and listen to nearly half of the year end, which says a LOT. But, we can praise later, today is worst list time. Oh, and I'm not doing the Canadian year end because I forgot about it. W h o o p s. Anyways, here's the Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2015!

Oh my fucking god Meghan Trainor is so bad.

No. 10 : Lips Are Movin - Meghan Trainor (YE: 22)
Image result for lips are moving

This song makes the list on production alone. Yes, the lyrics reek of Meghan's egotistical bitchy attitude and massive insecurities (it's like what the alt right thinks feminism is), and her half-rapping shtick is even more annoying than fucking Kreayshawn's rapping (all those inclusions of "bass" make me want to drown myself in Mtn Dew mixed with cat piss), but I really don't care. I can't even focus on them. I'm forced to focus on this fucking disaster of a production. First off, the verses. It's literally just bass and claps. It's fucking pathetic really, I could've made this. ANYONE could have made this. In fact, even you at home can! And if you don't think you can, I'll teach you right now!

Here's how to make this song's verse' production with nothing but your own body.

Step 1: Take out your dick (ladies, you're *probably* not gonna be able to do this one)

Step 2: Smack it against literally anything 4 times in succession.

Step 3: Record yourself clapping and play it every 2 seconds.

Step 4: Put the 2 sounds together (Sound mixing not required)

Boom. There's your top 5 hit.

But if you think THAT'S bad, wait til we get to the chorus and the fucking abomination of mixing. There's this pretty piano line that's all bright and colourful, like a unicorn bouncing through a blooming grass field. Then you have a bubbling disgusting horn line that sounds like it came from the greasiest, ugliest, most contaminated amateur soft-core porn video. But as they say, opposites attract, and together they make a song that's almost fun to listen to. Y'know, if you have both earbuds in. Because if you don't, you realize the audio nightmare that happened in this song. The left channel exclusively plays the disgusting horn and some sleazy record scratches, the piano is nowhere to be seen. Bye bye unicorn. On the right channel, you hear the piano at full volume, but the bass is so faint you can't even hear it. This makes listening to the right channel only way too sugary and bright, causing my brain to go into full meltdown mode. Just an absolute disaster, the producer must have been high off his fucking mind making this song. Or, y'know, he was just producing for Meghan Trainor.

I'm sorry, obvious pick, but this is just fucking infuriating.

No. 9: Hit The Quan - iLoveMemphis (YE: 83)

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I know I know, SUCH an easy target. It's a stupid dance song that's very inoffensive. It's not supposed to have bars, it's just supposed to be dance-able and fun. And honestly, it kinda accomplishes those two! But I'm sorry, I just cannot get past how fucking ANNOYING this song is. This fucking vocal performance? Dear fucking christ, it is goddamn INFURIATING. Silento was frail and weak, T-Wayne was just hilarious, OT Genesis was a bit dopey (no pun intended), I could give passes to those for the most part. But this just sounds fucking abysmal. His vocal inflections are just so toxic, the musical equivalent of pouring lemonade on an open wound. He didn't even create the fucking dance move, what horrible team told this kid he was serviceable behind the mic? He's just yelling half the fucking time. It's like right before the production team started the track, IHeartClitoris over here smashed his pinky toe against a hot metal rod.

And this beat is just fucking nauseating. The horrific synth pattern, the bass and percussion that don't HAVE a pattern, and just the overall tone seems way darker and uglier than a stupid dance song should be. Soulja Boy at the VERY least knew he had to make his song SEEM fun, and Hit The Quan doesn't even bother doing that.

Not much to say about this song, but really, are you surprised? What am I supposed to say about a fucking dance song? I'm not gonna critique the bars or anything, so let's just forget this garbage like the rest of the public already has.

Sometimes, you gotta put artists you love on worst lists. And sometimes, you gotta put your GIRLS on your worst list.

This was very traumatic for me.

No. 8: Worth It - Fifth Harmony ft Kid Ink (YE: 23)
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Now, that's not to say this is all Fifth Harmony's fault. Actually, most of it is not their problem at all, because they didn't even write this! And you can really tell a bunch of studio execs in fancy suits and overpriced haircuts wrote this, because these lyrics are soulless. "Give it to me I'm Worth It" is absolutely fucking meaningless, nearly all these lyrics are completely meaningless!

"I like it a little rough, not too much, but maybe just enough"

So she likes it rough, but not very rough. Just rough enough to be...rough? Rough enough to be rough enough?

Some fucking Catch 22 shit right here.

No effort went into that, but I think even less effort went into this wack ass beat. Syco Records strike yet a fucking gain with some disastrous production. Listen to this cheesy as shit sax line coincide with this limp fucking clap and snare combo that's supposed to anchor the HOOK of the song! The part that's supposed to get stuck in your head is barely 50% complete! The verses try and smooth it out by replacing the greasy sax with some deep blinking synths, but it only BARELY improves. Especially when most of the time you have to deal with Kid Ink, who just sounds fucking obnoxious. His voice is so brash and ugly, didn't this dude used to be able to hold a fucking melody before?

"Okay, I tell her bring it back like she left some
Bring it, bring it back like she left some"

Looks like SOMEONE went to the Ty Dolla $ign school of songwriting...and flunked out.

"Wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
Stop playin', how you know that I
Wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it"

This is half of his fucking verse. He spits 8 short bars that ALL sound like he was punching time, and then he just repeats the EXACT SAME VERSE LATER IN THE SONG. If that wasn't lazy enough, he didn't even WRITE the fucking verse! Absolutely fucking embarrassing, how is this dude even considered a rapper.

The only positive to this song is Fifth Harmony themselves. Now unfortunately, this was Reflection-era Fifth Harmony, meaning that Ally joined Camila in the "I have no clue what an octave is, I just want to look sexy" camp of singing, so their parts are all fucking useless. Dinah does an ok job, and Normani sounds like an angel (like always), so the song isn't COMPLETELY void of quality. But this song really was just a bunch of old dudes throwing these hot young girls to sing a hit song, but without the quality control most old studio dudes usually make sure to look after. Oh, and Camila was 17 when she recorded this. "Like it rough" my fucking dick hole. Fuck this.

Man, some established artists really dove low this year. REALLY fucking low,

No. 7: Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft Kendrick Lamar (the bad version of himself) (YE: 15)
Image result for bad blood

1989 was a great album. It was one of those pop albums that truly did have a few songs for everyone. In saying that, Bad Blood must've been the song for the hearing impaired. This just doesn't sound like a pop song should. And I get it, Taylor got a bit experimental and genre shifting on this album, but it was mostly for retro disco shit, not hip hop. It's like the messiest bubblegum pop has gotten, or a really really soft Death Grips beat, both of which are complete opposites of what they should be striving for. And this was supposed to market towards teen girls? I mean I get the minimalist verses, with the drums and such, I get that. But the fucking HOOK? Is this what teen girls like? An electric guitar that just fucking disintegrates and falls under the wall of sound that is made up of menacing bass, muted drums and fucking trap snares? It sounds horrendous. It's like right before release, the producer just started pushing sliders up and down while laughing hysterically.

And it isn't like Taylor is helping. I don't like Kendrick's verses at all (they're pretty wack being honest here), but they're still much stronger than anything Taylor gives. Actually, I think the reason this song fails is entirely her fault. This beat is a fucking wreck, but the beat on Sleazy by Kesha is nearly just as messy, but Kesha fucking rocked it. But here on Bad Blood, Taylor has no idea what the fuck she's doing. She's singing it completely straight, like she would sing all her songs! Does she not understand that this isn't the same fucking song as Out Of The Woods, so this vocal deliver isn't *quite* going to work? For Sleazy, Kesha didn't start singing like fucking Hannah Diamond like she did on Kiss N Tell, so why does Taylor think she could auto pilot this shit? Her voice doesn't fit, the vocal filters try and round her voice off only to make it sound more sluggish, and this melody. Dear LORD. Clunkiest shit I've heard in a pop song all of 2015. The melody sounds like she suddenly got fingered at every last note. The way she's forced to stretch out the last word in each line just shows so much laziness when making this track that I'm surprised that she released it as a single. Guess she really wanted that K.Dot street cred huh.

Oh, and it's a diss track to Katy Perry or something? Because apparently Katy took one of Taylor's dancers and used it for her tour? And that warranted a 3 and a half minute track featuring one of, if not THE greatest rapper of the 2010s? Jeez Taylor, calm your ass down. And besides, if it makes you feel any better, Katy already seems content on ruining her career now anyways, so you didn't have to do it for her.

How the fuck did this hit No. 1. Style? Peaked outside the top 5. Out of The Woods? Not even the top 10. Why was THIS grating, obnoxious pile of dogshit somehow at one point the biggest song in the fucking WORLD. Embarrassing for Taylor, it really is. Her absolute lowest point in her career...until she releases her next album.

Just fucking horrible.

No. 6: Only - Young Money Members that matter ft Chris Brown (YE: 51)
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Do I even need to talk about why this is here? What can I even fucking say here. It's a song where Chris Brown is the GOOD part. If that doesn't say anything, then I don't know what does.

*Sigh* fuck, I'll give it a shot.

Chris Brown's hook is unsurprisingly terrible. His boring, irritating voice over a boring, irritating beat. And is this beat ever fucking irritating. This slimy, oily synth-dropping sound that sends you into a brain malfunctioning temper tantrum. Getting your dick stuck in an ongoing fan is more pleasant than this shit. What's especially annoying is that seagull sounding shit that shows up at the end of every 4 bars or so, which doesn't fit at all and isn't nearly as cool as I'm sure Dr. Luke thought it was. Yes, THIS sludgy disaster is produced by Dr. Luke. Fucking depressing really.

First up to the bat is Nicki, who's verse is just as corny as it is embarrassing.

"Yo, I never fucked Wayne, I never fucked Drake, on my life, man, fuck's sake
If I did, I'd ménage with 'em and let 'em eat my ass like a cupcake"

Still not quite sure why specifically a "cupcake", but whatever. Also, you *haven't*? Yeah, SURE you didn't. We all know how Wayne signed you, you don't gotta be ashamed of it.

"My man full, he just ate, I don't duck nobody but tape
Yeah, that was a setup for a punchline on duct tape"

Everyone has made fun of this line, and yes it is fucking ridiculous, but the "don't duct nobody but tape" line is actually fire as fuck.

"I don't fuck with them chickens, unless they last name is Cutlet
Let it soak in like seasoning"


"And tell them bitches blow me: Lance Stephenson"

And that's kinda hilarious. Fuck it, Nicki's verse gets a pass. But Drake? Nah bruh, you aint getting nothing except verbal abuse for the next 10 or so sentences.

"Yeah, I never fucked Nicki 'cause she got a man
But when that's over, then I'm first in line"

Yikes, you really fucked up on that one didn't you? THIS is the real reason why you beefed with Meek Mill? You were jealous you didn't get Nicki?

Well that makes a whole lot of sense actually, but you're still a dickhead.

"She was sitting down on that big butt
But I was still staring at the titties though"

*weak, flacid air horns splurging everywhere*

See Drake, THIS is why people think you're soft!

"I been peeped that you like me, you know?
Who the fuck you really wanna be with besides me?"

y i k e s

The rest of his verse is him talking about his fetish for thick women and some more bullshit and I stopped caring about 4 bars ago. Come and salavage this Lil Wayne!

"I never fucked Nick' and that's fucked up
If I did fuck, she'd be fucked up
Whoever is hittin' ain't hittin' it right
'Cause she actin' like she need dick in her life"

...yeah nevermind this song is fucking dogshit. Next!

Country music was mostly absent from the 2015 YE. Not to say there wasn't artists like Sam Hunt on there, it's that all the country tracks were VERY pop oriented, barely country at all. There's really only 1 song on the year end that I would classify as country. And it's fucking dogshit.

No. 5: Kick The Dust Up - Luke Bryan (YE: 87)
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I've always hated Luke Bryan, as you already know. And as such, I fucking hate this as well. It's no "Country Girl", and it's certainly no "Move", but it's fucking close. Dear lord what even IS this shit. Kick The Dust Up takes bro-country's fetishization of hip hop to the absolute max, and it just sounds fucking embarrassing. There is no way the dude who produced this was sober. This admittedly ok sounding banjo playing the most annoying fucking melody possible, some kicking beat that was most likely freestyled, and a flat, tasteless guitar line. And that's the GOOD part! Certainly more enjoyable and fitting than the humongous claps, the sound of some broken tambourine in the back of the mix, and fucking TRAP SNARES. It gives me second-hand embarrassment to listen to this. And that definitely applies to the performance too. Luke Bryan isn't a bad singer, he's one of the few bro country dickheads that actually has an acceptable amount of minimal pipes. But god is he not showing it here. His half rapping shit is terrible. It's like if your REALLY white dad listened to If Your Reading This It's Too Late by Drake for 20 minutes and tried to appeal to all your friends. It just doesn't work for Luke Bryan. And somehow, his singing might be even fucking worse. Again, his voice isn't bad, but the melody he was given is just horrendous. All those elongated syllables just send a shiver down my spine and right into my soul, like seeing a really big spider, or getting a really bad handjob. Speaking of bad handjobs, this guitar solo? Fucking atrocious. Rockstar by Hannah Montana had a longer and more biting solo, fucking depressing.

...MAN that was an awkward segue.

And you already know I'm about to fucking tear these lyrics apart because oh my fucking lord did country music out-do itself this time.

"We turn this cornfield
Into a party"

Woah Luke, don't go TOO crazy!

"Pedal to the floorboard
Eight up in a four door
Burnin’ up a back road song"

Why does every country song NEED to mention a fucking back road. There was no need to mention a back road. Fuck, he doesn't even mention one, he mentions a SONG that mentions one. What the fuck was the point of that?

"Baby, watch your step now
Better have your boots on
Kick the dust up"

ok, so the reason it's named "Kick The Dust Up" is because they're kicking up dust from their boots that they're wearing because...they're in a cornfield.

I know it's country and all, but couldn't you have picked something a little *less* lame?

"And it’s like knock, knock, knock goes the diesel
If you really wanna see the beautiful people"

What the fuck does this even mean. I went to Google, I went to Genius, I went to Twitter, I even fucking TWEETED him, went fucking everywhere. Like, I get the stupid ass "knock goes the diesel" shit (even though if your diesel is making a knocking sound, you should probably get a mechanic, or maybe even just jump off because it might explode) is supposed to be the sound it's making as well as a play on "knock goes the weasel" cause it rhymes and all. But what in the fuck does the beautiful people line supposed to mean? Is it like a brag? Oh yeah, because I'm sure the loud guttural noises of a fucking 4 wheeler will attract ALL that country girl pussy won't it? What an idiot. Country music yet again makes an ass of itself, but at least this time it wasn't shaking it.

2015 really was the year artists disappointed me. First Fifth Harmony, and now this song. If there were any artist I expected to fuck up this year, I NEVER would have picked Ne-Yo.

No. 4: She Knows - Ne-Yo ft Juicy J (YE: 97)
Image result for she knows ne-yo

Unlike everyone who put this on their worst list, I actually don't have much to say about this one, so let's make it quick: this is fucking exhausting to listen to. There's multiple reasons why, but it's almost entirely due to this fucking hornline. Holy fucking shit is it bad, it sounds like they took the atrocious character select sound from Street Fighter 2, took some helium, and skipped the mouth and injected the helium straight into it's fucking voice box. I mean fuck dude, WHO made this. What terrible producer made something THIS bad.

...oh, it was Dr. Luke.

...not even surprised honestly.

So yeah, this just sounds horrific, especially when paired up with deep, gross sounding bass.

Juicy J is on this song, fucking twice. I don't understand why anyone would want Juicy J on their song, and I don't think it's POSSIBLE for anyone to want him on their song twice, so I have no idea what was going on in this fucking recording studio. His verses are pretty bad, but I'd take them over Ne-Yo's any fucking day of the week. Juicy J is just going on about how much he wants to fuck the strippers and all that good ol stuff, basically what I expected from him. Then you have Ne-Yo's stupid fucking "I've never interacted with a female before and I missed my prom" dumbass over here just starstruck by the strippers going "Woah, she's a fucking genius, she's so good at what she does, and she's WORKIN IT!!!!!!"

You fucking idiot.

"Said I know she loves the attention
That she get when she moves"

Yeah, do you know why she loves the attention? Because she's a FUCKING STRIPPER. HOW ARE YOU THIS BRAINDEAD.

Fucking infuriating to listen to, my god. Juicy J is the GOOD part of this song, what the fuck happened. Isn't Ne-Yo a fucking adult? Did he just make this because he finally ran out of royalty checks from Give Me Everything? Or is he just THAT fucking stupid? Whatever, I don't even care anymore, I feel betrayed. Fuck you Ne-Yo. I can't wait for your next lead single to be about this fantastic haven of women you found behind a dirty 7/11 parking lot at 3am.

Everyone has this at No. 1. I don't, because it doesn't deserve to be at the top slot. But fuck me if this isn't downright horrifying to listen to.

No. 3: Dear Future Husband - Meghan Trainor (YE: 74)

Image result for dear future husband meghan trainor
So, the reason why this didn't top my list: the production. Yes it's sampled from a better song, and yes it's literally stolen from a much better song, but it still SOUNDS good, which is more than I can say for my top 2, so that's why it's only No. 3. But even then, that is nowhere near enough to save this song, because everything else here is a fucking abomination. Meghan strikes back with her half-rap shit and it sounds even worse than it used to. Not only is she rapping along to a terrible melody, her voice just sounds worse. It's like she's TRYING to come off as bitchy. And speaking of bitchy, these fucking lyrics!

Everyone has already gone through why this song is fucking psychotic, and I probably won't say anything new here, but fuck it let's try anyways.

"Take me on a date, I deserve it, babe
And don't forget the flowers every anniversary"

Worst rhyme of 2015, no doubt.

"Cause if you'll treat me right, I'll be the perfect wife
Buying groceries, buy-buying what you need"

Ahh yes, because being the perfect wife means...buying me things.

You were trying to play to 60s stereotypes and STILL fucked it up. What a gem.

"You got the 9 to 5, okay but so do I
So don't be thinkin' I'll be home and baking apple pies"

ok I didn't expect you t-

"I never learned to cook, but I can write a hook"

Wait, you can't cook at ALL? You know both husband and wife should be cooking right?

God, do I really need to talk about this fucking song? We all know it fucking blows right? It's incredibly toxic to both genders and also to relationships, Meghan yet again has no idea what the fuck she's talking about, and the entire song is sexist and extremely fucking obnoxious. There. That's your review. I'm using my "Get out of Meghan Trainor Free" Card here, fuck y'all.

*sigh* what the fuck is this

No. 2: Marvin Gaye - Charlie Puth ft Meghan Trainor (YE: 75)
Image result for marvin gaye charlie puth meghan trainor

Now if there was ANY song that shouldn't have even fucking TOUCHED the top 40, it's this shit. What the actual fuck were we doing. Everything here is a disaster, including the title. Shitting on an RnB legend by not only turning his name into a fucking verb incorporating fucking (which we will get to), but by also naming his song after the whitest fucking song in existence! Even ignoring the fact that it's a duet between the 2 cheesiest of cheese balls in pop music, Charlie Puth & Meghan fucking Trainor, this is still so fucking cheesy sounding. The fucking uptempo piano makes me want to slam a door against my foot. And those gospel-like backing vocals are just abysmal, aren't even mixed correctly. Speaking of mixing, the fucking piano! I just love how fucking low it is so all you can hear is Charlie Puth's satanic yelps, it's just great.

But as bad as whatever the fuck you want to call Charlie Puth's part of the song (White Mom Panty Melter is the current one, it's a work in progress I know), it's still more enjoyable than the absolute disgrace that is Meghan Trainors part, where you get an abundant of offbeat trap snares and fucking GANG VOCALS for absolutely no reason, only for them to instantly disappear when the chorus kicks back in. It's all so fucking gross to listen to, the entire thing makes me feel slimy and uncomfortable, but not in the traditional way. It's so fucking squeaky clean it disgusts me. But that's before you get to the lyrics which are...ho boy

On See You Again, Charlie Puth was very emotional. His hook wasn't great, but it worked. And then Wiz Khalifa ruined his decent song. So, for this song, Puth took it upon himself to just ruin his own song from the very fucking beginning. He describes the song as, and quote:

‘I’m in L.A., there are all these pretty girls around, let’s just make an anthem about me wanting to have sex with them.’ - Charlie Puth, 2015

He wanted to make a sex jam. This is an unironic sex jam. It's not cutesy, it's not played tongue in cheek, Charlie Puth truly believes that "Let's Marvin Gaye & get it on" is smooth as fuck. And THAT'S what makes the song so terrible. He buys into these fucking corny as shit lines he wrote as borderline pick up lines, as sleek, baby making material. Is he fucking delusional.

"Don't keep your secrets to yourself
It's Kama Sutra show and tell, yeah "

Fucking Jesus Charlie, do you have no shame whatsoever? Not only is "Kama Sutra Show And Tell" just the grossest thing I've ever fucking heard, but also the classic "comparing a sexual activity to a childish activity" is always and will always be creepy as hell. Aint no one playing the pussy like fuckin peek a boo Lil Yachty.

"It's so subtle, I'm in trouble
But I'd love to be in trouble with you"


This is just gross. Even if you ignore how insanely white it is, how technically inept it is, and how damn near offensive it is, it's just fucking gross. And stupid. And gross. And VERY stupid. Speaking of stupid, here's some dishonorable mentions that I can assure you are all nearly as stupid.

DM 1: Take Your Time - Sam Hunt (YE: 45)
Image result for take your time sam hunt

Sam Hunt isn't the worst country artist currently working, but he's certainly close, and he's by far the most successful. So today, he gets the shit stick. "I don't have to make you love me, I just want to take your time" huh? Sound like you just want to fuck her. *Maybe* you shouldn't try to sound romantic when you just want to stick your dick in a bar chick dude.

DM 2: Honey, I'm Good - Andy Grammer (YE: 25)
Image result for honey i'm good

People will put this on their worst list for the lyrics, and while I do think they're highly questionable, I don't quite know which side I'm on in regards for them. What I DO know is that I cannot fucking STAND how this sounds.

DM 3: No Type - Rae Sremmurd (YE: 70)
No Type cover.jpg

I've cooled on whatever anger I may have had on Rae Sremmurd before, but I still stand by them being complete fucking idiots.

DM 4: 7/11 - Beyonce (but with a fancy accent on the 'e') (YE: 61)
Image result for 7/11 beyonce

I'm not ratchet enough to enjoy this I'm sorry.

DM 5: Stitches - Shawn Mendes (YE: 36)
Image result for stitches shawn mendes

I have absolutely nothing to say about this one, so even though I didn't, I'm just gonna say I copied Todd In The Shadows because I'm lazy.

DM 6: All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor (YE: 28)
Image result for all about that bass

Get this the fuck away from me.

DM 7: Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding (YE: 13)
Image result for love me like you do

A lot of people will tell you Ellie destroyed her career in 2016 with On My Mind. Some would say she killed it with this song. But I would say she ruined in right after Lights and this song was just a shitty after effect.

And with that, here is the No. 1 that will surprise absolutely nobody.

Well, let's get this over with.

No. 1: Fight Song - Rachel Platten (YE: 20)
Image result for fight song

Not quite sure how to start this one, so let's just lay it all out: Fight Song by Rachel Platten is everything I despise about pop music all in one. The entire thing fucking infuriates me. Stunningly simplistic chord progressions that go absolute nowhere, drums that try to sound huge but only sound weak and incredibly basic, a dull, drab piano line that never changes and is only there to serve as the foundation of the song, a drawn out, awful melody that's 1 step away from just spoken word, boring fucking build ups that fold over into boring fucking chorus' with boring fucking crescendos. The production on this song is a WASTELAND. There is absolute fucking nothing to cling on to.

The lyrics mean nothing, fucking nothing. Probably clocked out in 10 minutes while sipping their coffee at 7am half asleep on a Monday morning. 3 different people wrote this and that honestly offends me. How did 3 people all come to the conclusion that "Oh yeah, this line is perfect!"

"Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion"


"Like how a single word
Can make a heart open"


"I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion"

She's something. I guess.

Everything here is written so bland and vague, there's absolute fucking nothing inspiring about this at all. The only reason people feel inspired by this shit is because they were *told* that this song was inspiring. Because really, where is the empowering message in this? "Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me"? No fucking shit Rachel. Because if you didn't you would have given up. That's just how things work.

So yeah, the message is meaningless, but the writing itself is way worse than that. The most basic of basic rhymes. Almost all of them are just 1 syllable words that are so generic and obvious you can literally call them out as the song goes on, the rhyme scheme itself is fucking awful, the structure is identical to every other boring pop song made before it, It's all just a big ball of nothing.

But nothing is as worse as Rachel Platten's voice. How in the fuck do you make your voice be breaking, resembling you being on the verge of tears, yet you STILL sound like the most basic of basic white girls, with no emotion or personality whatsoever. This is a song about empowering people, and at the same time apparently also about your come up and how tough it all was. So why is there no fucking feeling to it. It's a slow, dull delivery. Nothing remotely special. She's the no name brand of music, the tap water of music, The Chainsmokers of music.

All of these points lead up to the main problem: There's nothing to this song you can enjoy, but there's also no stand out horrible qualities either. It's not obnoxious like Bad Blood or Worth It, because that would be somewhat interesting. It's not gross like She Knows or Marvin Gaye, because that would mean there's at least the slight bit of meaning in anything that Rachel is saying. It's not stupid like Kick The Dust Up or Hit The Quan, because that would mean there's anything to laugh at here. It's an absolute fucking dead zone of pop music, and it's the Worst Hit Song of 2015.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 10. Pretty awful. But i will give Meghan this. She looks sexy & cute in the album cover.
    9. Bleh.
    8. Trash. Talk Dirty is SOOOOOO much better.
    7. I like Kendrick's verse, but that's pretty much it.
    6. Worse than Anaconda.
    5. I think i found 2 skins to an awful Luke Bryan song. The awful bro-country side (Country Girl, That's My Kind Of Night, etc.) & The sometimes faux romance but most of the time generic country pop side (I Don't Want This Night To End, Drunk On You, Crash My Party, etc.)
    4. Why Ne-Yo, WHY?!
    3. Straight awful. And i won't even give her the "she looks sexy & cute on the album cover" pass like i did on Lips Are Movin.
    2. Not as bad as We Don't Talk Anymore, but not as good as Attention or How Long
    1. Absolute trash.

  3. My worst of 2015 list:

    My thoughts on your picks:
    10. #3 on my best of 2014 list. I personally really like this one.
    9. Meh.
    8. #7 on my worst list. One of the most tryhard songs I've ever heard in my life.
    7. Bad, but I don't hate it as much as everyone else. It's just bad. Kendrick is alright, though.
    6. #3 on my worst list. An abomination in every sense of the word.
    5. #8 on my worst list. Boring, dull, and Luke sucks as always.
    4. #1 on my worst list, tied with Dooo it! by Miley Cyrus. An insanely bad failure.
    3. #9 on my worst list. The only reason it isn't higher is the same reason you didn't put it higher.
    2. Guilty pleasure.
    DM1: Boring and schocky.
    DM2: #2 on my best list. I love how this song sounds, and the lyrics aren't too bad.
    DM4: #10 on my worst list. Obnoxious and dumb.
    DM5: Bad.
    DM6: Musical Teflon.
    DM7: Meh.
    1. Abhorrent.

    Also, here's my best list

  4. Although I would put Marvin Gaye at #1 for being one of the most embarrassing "sex" songs I have ever heard, I totally get why you have Fight Song at #1. It's one gigantic nothing of a song.
