Saturday 29 April 2017

Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2012

Oh 2012, what a year.

No, I'm serious. I was unimpressed at first, but going through the YE again, this was a great year for music! Every single genre stepped it up this year, and I applaud them. This year was also the big spike of indie songs, as well as the beginning (and end) of The Boy Band Wars: Volume 2. Safe to say, it was an interesting year. But what I did notice is that the worst songs this years were INSANELY bad, especially the top 3. Like, worst of the decade material. And the worst part is, they weren't even that fun to tear into. Destroying these songs in classic TechJet fashion (or, if you haven't figured it out yet, "Spectrum Pulse mixed with Todd In The Shadows" fashion) was a lot harder than it probably should've been, which is why this list took for fucking ever. Anyways, let's stop delaying this shit and get into the Top 10 Worst Hit Songs of 2012!

I liked this song at first, quite a bit. When I returned to it for this list, I still mildly enjoyed it, but I recognized it's problems. And now, I can ONLY see it's problems. Way to fuckin go J. Cole, no surprise YOU fucked up, is it?

No. 10: Work Out - J. Cole (US: 63 / CA: N/A) 

I don't like J. Cole. Actually, I kind of fucking hate him. But that has nothing to do with this song. Well...ok it kinda does, but this song was fucked regardless. I mean, trying to mix a Kanye sample with a fucking Paula Abdul sample, you're BOUND to fuck up somewhere! Except he didn't. The hook sounds good and it's pretty catchy. What can I say, he meshed them together somehow. So the sampling isn't the problem. The problem is everything else, y'know, all the stuff J. Cole actually made himself! For example, the beat. J. Cole producing his own shit, which I applaud him for, most dudes can't do that. But at the same time, there's probably a reason why, because this beat is shit. And that's weird, because I just praised it a couple of sentences ago. But the difference is J. Cole's contributions on them. On the hook, there's a bunch of backing vocals which add a bit more flavour, and more importantly, Cole is singing. Yes, he can't really hit a note or anything, but his voice sounds great on the beat. But when he's rapping, it just seems like all the taste goes away. Barely anything changes, but all that we're left with is this boring, lifeless production with J. Cole sounding like a complete fucking moron. Both in the lyrical sense, but also just the way he says words as well.

"She like them boyz with the big 'ol CHAAAAAIIIINNNNNZZZZ/Ridin' round town in a big 'ol RAAAAANNNNNGGGEEEE"

He sounds like he's having a fucking stroke.

And then you have the 2nd verse of the song where everything just...turns to shit? There's a really awkward beat switch up that sounds deranged with everything else in the song. It's mostly from the addition of this wineglass sound that doesn't fit at all, and changes notes multiple times for what seems to be no fucking reason whatsoever. J. Cole lowkey kind of just gives up his flow for half a dozen bars, and of course he spends most of the time being a total fucking asshole.

"She bad and she know it/Some niggas save hoes, I’m not that heroic"

Yep yep. Ya see that? Asshole. That is an asshole, ladies and gentlemen.

"Take a chance, roll the dice/Money can’t buy you love, 'cause it’s overpriced"

Well that's just...really dumb. For a second I thought Lil B wrote this or something.

"Could you be my escort?/'Cause just like them two-door Fords/Damn, they don’t make 'em like you no more"

oh dear fucking lord

Look, this probably shouldn't be here. It at least has a solid hook, and not ALL of J. Cole's bars are terrible here. But just from the incompetence and wasted potential, it deserves a slot on this list.

Oh, speaking of incompetence, Travie McCoy!

No. 9: Ass Back Home - Gym Class Heroes ft Neon Hitch (US: 51 / CA: 83)

This song has 0 cohesion. Absolutely none. Just like the last entry, we start with a pretty ok hook from Neon Hitch (y'know, that girl that wants to fuck you, remember?) with a standard pop build up. Sounds more like a pre chorus actually, something in preparation for a drop. But there is no drop. So what do we get instead?

"Oh, it's so sexy, yo"


Travie McCoy of Gym Class Heroes is back, and this might be his worst production he's ever done. Again, the hook is fine, but then you try to match it with this shitty reggae acoustic guitar horseshit? It sounds fucking horrible. It's like matching a Selena Gomez song with Ride by Twenty One Pilots. Neither were very good in the first place, but mashing both of them together makes a trainwreck. And it isn't like Travie himself makes the song any better. In fact, he only makes it WAY worse. His adlibs are terrible, his flow sounds like he's on the verge of a passing out, and his bars are complete trash.

"We both knew this type of life didn't come with instructions"

So ignoring this extremely stupid line, this song is about this girl missing Travie McCoy when he's away (presumably out on tour), and how she wants him to "get his ass back home". Now Travie's verse is all about how he misses her, and how tough it is without her and yadda yadda yadda. Point is, his lines are so fucking corny.

"Half of these birds would've flew the coup but you, you truly understand it"

Fucking groan worthy.

His bars are so corny and creepy. And that'd be fine (or at least understandable) if that's what he was going for, but it isn't. I seriously think he was trying to sound suave and clever, but he just comes off as a fucking moron. Horrible misfire of a song, an awful listen.

Remember when I put Wiz Khalifa on my Best of 2011 list? Time to even out the scale.

No. 8: Work Hard Play Hard - Wiz Khalifa (US: 73 / CA: N/A)

Yeah, basically have nothing to say about this one. Bars are all filler garbage about your standard trash topics, Wiz sounds generally disinterested like he always does, the beat is garbage, and that little pitch shifted chipmunk voice repeating "work hard, play hard" throughout the song is one of the most annoying things in existent. Anyways, fuck this song, we got much more interesting targets to shoot.


No. 7: Drive By - Train (US: 19 / CA: 15)

Man, this is fucking weird, aint it? Remember when Train had hits? Remember how fucking horrible they were? This is arguably the more tolerable one, but it's still fucking terrible. The production is Train trying it's best to make adult alternative music sound bright and sunny and failing MISERABLY. The guitars are ear grating, the claps are fake as shit, and obvious drum machine is obvious. It's the most engineered, calculated song possible to be repeated on the radio over and over again. And that's basically what happened.

Pat Monahan sounds terrible here, no surprise. The dude just hasn't *quite* figured out what he wants to do with his voice. He doesn't know if he wants to be Brandon Flowers, Adam Levine, or Josh Ramsay. Someone should tell him that he can't pull off fucking ANY of them. And his voice sounds even worse once you understand what he's saying! The song is littered with gross lines (comparing your love with this girl to a fucking garbage bag isn't a good idea bro.), and SO many awkward moments. "Oooh the way you do me?" What the fuck is that? So douchey, and just kinda makes you sigh aloud and think about the human race a bit. But people already know those lines. However, people always seem to look over THIS one.

"There's nothin up my sleeve but love for you"

God I fucking hate that. SO fucking disturbing, especially from a dude who was in his mid 40s! I mean yeah it's bad when Chris Brown did that shit in the late 2000s, but I kinda get it, he was a horny jackass who was like, what, 18-19? Pat Monahan has a wife, some kids, and presumably a brain, what the fuck is wrong with him!

And all the vocal runs, dear LORD the fucking vocal runs. They're like my sex life: dry, unspeakable, and no woman wants to go near it.

...and on that note, onto the next entry!

Pitbull had a big year in 2012, so he had to show up somewhere.

No. 6: We Run The Night - Havana Brown ft Pitbull (US: 90 / CA: N/A)

Yes, you all saw this coming, so let's get the obvious out of the way. This drop is fucking atrocious. It's like SELFIE by The Chainsmokers laced with LCD, AIDS, and cold sores. It sounds like a fat dude fucking a trumpet. It sounds like Kat Dennings crushing a synthesizer between her tits. It sounds like Alyssa Reid trying to sing. What I'm saying is, it's the worst sound on the planet. But you'll be surprised to know that the rest of the song is also total fucking dogshit. For example, this beat? Christ, did this producer even try? I mean I get that club songs don't need to have much depth to them, but they should be more bouncy than this right? The claps, clumsy synth and batting drums makes everything seem so cluttered, making everything seem incredibly stiff. My mind just can't wrap around the fact that I'm supposed to be dancing to this.

Then, there's this Mrs. Nobody McWhoGivesAFuck trashy valley girl, Havana Brown, filling in the "Generic White Girl On Rap Song Hook" quota, and she can't even do THAT right! I don't know if it's just the vocal filters they put on her, or the notes she was told to hit, or just her general lack of talent, but this is one of the worst vocal performances I've ever heard on a hit song. All her vocal runs sounds like she's gargling jizz (and not even in the cool Kesha kind of way either).

Pitbull has a verse on this song I think. It always races past me, like most Pitbull verses do. I *think* it's bad? But I'm not sure. I'll just go with bad for now. Now all this should've put this song into the top 3, but that little switch up from the drop that transitions into the hook sounds kinda cool, so I can cut this song a *little* slack. Still horrible though, it's no surprise this girls career died after this song.

Easy target I know, but GOD is this fucking terrible.

No. 5: Sorry For Party Rockin - LMFAO (US: N/A / CA: 91)

These verses are fucking infuriating. The beat that sounds like an auto tuned alien choking on it's own vomit, the wooping synth that never shuts the fuck up, and the most basic, formulaic drum loop they could have possibly used. This production drives me up a fucking wall. It reeks of no effort and the worst kind of club sleaze. And these performers are not helping. I've never liked LMFAO's rapping, but this has to be the worst they've sounded. The melody is fucking atrocious. The musical equivalent of repeatedly stapling your nuts together. And the fucking elongated notes oh my GOD WHY. WHYWHYWHY FUCKING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

I don't want to dissect bars this stupid. LMFAO obviously aren't trying to write anything deep, clever, or even competent, just dumb party shit. But I swear to god they sometimes even fail at THAT!

"And if she has a hissy fit cause your whiskey dick"

...what is a whiskey dick? Y'know what, NOT even gonna look this one up. Fuck that.

"Oh yeah we killin shit with our money"

The laziest bar I've ever heard. Like, that's actually meaningless. This means nothing.

Oh, and this bridge is just like...the worst

Yeah...yeah fuck that.

This is an obnoxious disaster. Which yeah, that's what it's going for, it's a sleazy party song, but this goes way overboard. There's only so much I can take ok. Sorry...for party roc-

Oooohhhh, now HERE'S a song that doesn't get enough shit!

No. 4: Too Close - Alex Clare (US: 30 / CA: N/A) 

Ok, let's start with the most obvious problems since it's so in your fucking face, this production. My fucking god man, what is going on. You got this boring acoustic guitar driving a non melody, a piss weak synth, and some clicks and clack that doesn't fit with anything. It sounds horrible, it's like the audio recording of a drunk John Mayer fucking around in a fine china shop. Then you have the infamous hook with a loud as shit bass that just screams "PLAY ME IN ALL YOUR COMMERCIALS PLEASE". It sounds legitimately desperate, I can barely believe a song like this exists. But if you want to talk more about unbelievable, we should look at these lyrics!

"You know I'm not one, to break promises/I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe"

Ok, I can kinda get behind this. You want to watch out for this girl's feelings, I can respect that.

"At the end of it all you're still my best friend/But there's something inside that I need to release"

Ahhh, he's trying to break up with her! Completely understandable, standard song topic. Continue.

"How do I say that I need to move on?/You know we're heading separate ways"

Oh I TOTALLY understand that. Break ups can be touchy. You have to choose your words very delicately, don't want to say anything stupid you might regr-

"And it feels like I am just too close to love you"


Yeah, you're an asshole.

"I can't lie no more/I can't hide no more/Got to be true to myself"

OH OK, you're a HUGE asshole then. Great!

So you aren't breaking up with this girl because you don't love her, you're breaking up with her because you're too much of a pussy to commit to an actual relationship! You spineless sack of shit. WHY would you write a song about this. True story or not, I don't give a fuck. This is some Pinkerton bullshit right here and I can't fucking stand it. He repeats a couple of times "What is right? What is wrong?" and it's pretty fucking apparent which one he went with.

"You've given me more, than I can return/Yet there's oh so much that you deserve"

Nonono, you are not allowed to simply back track on what you just said. Fuck you. Fuck. You.

But even outside the lyrics, what drives this asshole nature home is this dudes fucking voice. My god he sounds like an asshole. His voice just gives off the impression he's a dick, not sure how to explain it any other way. He has a unique voice, I'll give him that. It's fucking dogshit, but it's unique.

What a toxic, disgusting song. This is some shit I'd expect to see on a Sam Hunt album, not on the upper half of a YE list. Eat my ass Alex Clare, you sack of trash.

Do you guys remember Karmin? Because I sure do! I could never fucking forget!

No. 3: Brokenhearted - Karmin (US: 59 / CA: 47)

2011 and 2012 was flooded with Katy Perry wannabes trying to latch onto her success, and Karmin was by FAR the worst of them. Now Karmin is actually a duo, but I'm just going to use Karmin to refer to the girl because a) I couldn't be fucked to search up her actual name, and b) She's apparently the only member of Karmin that matters, because this 2nd dude is nowhere to be seen on this song. And I wish he was, because he HAD to have given a better performance than this cunt. I mean fucking hell girl, what the fuck are you doing. She's not talentless, that's not the problem, it's just the *way* she chose to sing. Every note she holds is in the wrong key, WILDLY wrong key, she sacrifices her singing half the time to do this sing-rap shit, like she thinks she's fucking Kesha or something, and she sounds fucking horrendous. And the chorus is the absolute worst example of her voice. I have no clue what shitty effect they put on her voice, but they should've never even fucking touched it. Her high notes are the most annoying shit on the planet. It sounds like something manufactured to be unpleasant. She's really what makes this song sound so bad, her voice. If you gave this song to Katy Perry it might have been salvageable, but instead it's given to this useless fucking cunt who thinks being interesting and different is better than sounding, y'know, listenable. And don't even get me STARTED on her fucking adlibs. Jesus fucking Christ, that little "cherrio" thing is the worst fucking thing ever added to a bubblegum pop song.

The production is a fucking mess. I listen to a lot of pop music, I know what this song was trying to go for, and it fails so fucking hard. This wants to sound like "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry mixed with Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson, 2 massive hits before it that were actually fucking fantastic. So how is it that your inspiration is so good and your song still turns out so shit? Well, you can thank this shitfest to Benny Blanco, who must have been high as balls when he fucking made this. The 1 string fucking guitar that has no fucking clue what it's doing, just kinda fucks around and tries it's best to sound tolerable. The kick drum that sounds insanely out of place matched with the ghostly little echo thing that only makes the guitar sound even more out of place. It's grating on a level I didn't even know existed.

Oh, and did you know there was a rap verse? BY KARMIN CUNT HERSELF?

"Ay, anything you wanna do, I’ll be on it too/Everything you said, is like gold with a view"

You may think this isn't too bad, but it sounds a hell of a lot worse with a peppy white girl trying to act cool while rapping it.

"Business in the front, party in the back/Maybe I was wrong, was the outfit really wack?"

I seriously spent 5 minutes writing out this sentence because I had to stop multiple times from cringing so hard.

"I know you want it, so come and get it"

Oh ho ho, I cannot explain to you in words how much I do NOT want it, thank you very much.

And I know this is nitpicking at this point, but this rhyme scheme is fucking horrible. "ABBA" isn't inherently bad (I mean, it spells out ABBA, it can't be THAT bad right?) but Karmin sure as fuck made it my least favourite thing for my ears to hear. Hearing "jones' and "bones" or "daze" and "craze" rhyme in the span of less than a second just so fucking bad, I can't stress this enough. It may seem like a bad thing, but this is what makes the verses so fucking insufferable.

This is every white girl trope gone wrong. It's what happens when you take a Kesha song and leave it out in the sun for too long. The rotting, burnt, ugly remains of a Kesha song. It's missing power, it's missing production, it's missing writing prowess, it's missing irony, and most of all, it's missing swagger, but kept ALL the sass. An absolutely fucking deadly combination, I have no idea how I survived it.

Holy. Fucking. Shit

No. 2: Glad You Came - The Wanted (US: 6 / CA: 5) 

Now before you get angry at me, yes, I see how this could be seen as enjoyable. But if you can, try and take a step back and see how much of a fucking DISASTER this track actually is. I'm gonna have to do this in a numbered fashion because I think my brain might explode if I try to construct myself in any other way. First off, the production. Nothing here seems really bad when isolated. The synths that sounds like someone drowning, the drums, everything sounds fine. But when put them all together, the entire track falls apart. The mixing gives me a headache just thinking about it. None of the elements even matter other than the garbage synths that swamp everything into the ugliest pop-club jam you could think of.

Secondly, the singers themselves. And just for a second now, I need to compare them to their competition at the time, One Direction. Say what you want about One Direction and their questionable writing, they could all sing. Better than that, they all had distinct voices that were all enjoyable in different ways. The Wanted do not come remotely close. The first guy sounds ok, albeit very generic but that's fine. Then every single dude after him sounds exactly the same, except slightly worse as the song cycles on. I mean seriously, whoever did the 2nd pre-chorus should never be allowed to sing ever again. Also, can we talk about how they don't harmonize, like, at all? Fifth Harmony gets shit for not harmonizing all the time (which is in their name, so I get it), but I don't remember ANYBODY complaining about how distant these guys try to get from each other. They're hardly a boy band at all, just seems like a group of dudes with no talent or experience that they pulled off the street.

But the third reason is my main problem with the song: the lyrics. Now the words themselves and the story I don't give a shit about. It's a dude trying to party with a girl at a club, whoopty fuckin do. But how they're actually said is the problem. You have the chorus with an ungodly basic and sleep inducing melody which is barely tolerable, and I swear in the *very* back of the mix I can hear some kind of sound that's either a little kid screaming or the sound of Mario doing a triple jump in Super Mario 64. Once you notice it, there's no going back either. It completely kills any kind of power and groove the drop could've had and just puts me on edge. But the thing is, that's easily the best part about the song, because it gets WAY worse than that. You have the fucking verses that repeats every second half of a line, like some shitty echo effect that gets INSANELY annoying. Musical equivalent of a douchebag screaming "STOP HITTING YOURSELF!" repeatedly as he smashes your skull in with your own hand. Audio fucking torture. And then there's the pre-chorus that everybody talks about, where they take the last word of the previous line and use it again right after to start a new line. Ex:

"Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can"

Which is very clever, I must admit. But at the same time, it gets SO FUCKING ANNOYING if you hear this song more than once. I don't know how people didn't get sick of this on the radio. Just listening to it a dozen or so times for this list has me wanting to kill children on a murderous rampage that would involve many bloody and unspeakable things. I mean I get why they did it, but did they even bother to listen to the song more than once to see how well it stood up to overplay? Because that's the most important part about pop songs: Can it be repeated over and over again and still keep at least the majority of it's original appeal without becoming insufferable to sit through? Fuck, after the first listen, at about the 2 minute mark this song has slammed everything it has into your face so many times that you'd want to jump off the Empire State Building.

This is impossible to listen to, actually impossible for me. I'd rather do anything then listen to this. Rather drink Pepsi, the lowest of low soda, for the rest of my life. I'd rather listen to an entire Simple Plan album. Fuck, I'd rather watch 13 Reasons Why again! And yet, this still isn't the worst song of 2012. And before we get to that said song, here's a couple of DMs that are terrible, but not THAT terrible.

D.M 1: Rack City - Tyga (US: 45 / CA: N/A)

It's so fucking stupid, but c'mon, it's Tyga. Did ANYONE expect this song to be good?

D.M 2: Turn Up The Music - Chris Brown (US: 84 / CA: 68)

Fuck Rihanna, the abuse Chris Brown is giving to this fucking synth line should send him to jail.

D.M 3: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Tay Tay (US: 33 / CA: 39)

Toxic to a level that even I can't get behind. every single vocal inflection she does sends me into a sweating stress.

D.M 4: 50 Ways to Say Goodbye - Train (US: 81 / CA: 86)

This hook is fucking terrible.

...yeah that's it.

D.M 5: We Are Young - fun. ft Janelle Monae (US: 3 / CA: 3)

I like fun. quite a bit, their debut album was fantastic. But this is just horrendous. Irritating on pretty much every level, and the total waste of Janella Mobae is just salt in the wound.

D.M 6: Ho Hey - The Lumineers (US: 68 / CA: N/A)


D.M 7: Any Flo Rida Song -  Flo Rida (US: Way too fucking high / CA: Way too fucking high)

All the hooks are terrible, his bars are atrocious, and the beats are all the same generic bullshit. Thank god he actually got pretty great after his trio of garbage hits.

D.M 8: Birthday Cake (Remix) - Rihanna ft Chris Brown (US: 79 / CA: N/A) this isn't on the list. I kinda like the "Come and put your name on it" part, actually. It's really catchy and fun. But yeah the rest of this is fucking terrible. The dentist drill, the loud as shit claps, the dead as fuck bass, just sounds terrible. And the combination of Ri Ri + Chris "The Knockout" Brown is all sorts of uncomfortable. But it's not my No. 1. THIS piece of shit is!

Oh, I'm sure even when I show the artist behind this song, you'll all still be surprised this is my No. 1. Because, who wouldn't put Birthday Cake at the top slot, it's a fucking abomination. But I would argue this is worse. Way, WAY worse.

No. 1: Kiss You Inside Out - Hedley (US: N/A / CA: 19)

I can't quite explain why I fucking despise this, but I'll give it a shot. In short, this song creeps me the fuck out. The tone, the production, the mood, the lyrics, all of it is unsettling to me in a very subtle way. Trust me, they've had WAY creepier and disgusting songs than this, but this one is completely opposite to them. It's brighter, happier, cheerful, and it's still absolutely terrifying. A classic way to make a very uncomfortable song is an upbeat instrumental and weird as fuck lyrics that shock the listener, but their brain gets swooped away by an upbeat, fun beat that somewhat takes their mind off things. Except here they did that shit by accident!

These lyrics give me the goddamn chills. I'm sure they're trying to be romantic, but how can you read this and not have your first thought be "Wow I should probably call the police"?

"I don't know if you're ready to go/Where I'm willing to take you, girl"

If that isn't the rapiest thing to hit the charts in the last few years then I don't know what is.

"I will feel every inch of your skin/And you know I can rock your world"

...ok I need to explain something.

Hedley aren't *inherently* creepy. They don't try to write songs that are weird, creepy, or even interesting. The problem is that they're just REALLY shit writers. They could have said anything like "Girl, I love your body/and I'm gonna give you the time of your life" and that would've been fine. Would've been generic as all hell and nowhere close to fitting the meter, but they should be used to that by now! Instead we get this awkwardly worded, extremely creepy line. Even with a team of writers (because apparently bands this incompetent need writers for their songs) Hedley still can't manage to make a song half competent.

"Imma be the calm in the storm you're lookin' for/I'll be the shipwreck that takes you down"

Is this implying that you're totally gonna dump her later on? What the fuck is the "shipwreck that takes you down" supposed to mean then? God I fucking hate you.

"Turn off the lights/Take off your clothes/Turn on the stereo"

Jeez, y'all didn't even TRY with this one.

"Give up the fight/I'm in control/Why don't you let it go?"

If I said that to a girl on the streets I would actually get arrested.

"Just close your eyes and shut you mouth/And let me kiss you inside out"

Ahhh, the titular line. And who would've thunk it, it's gross as fuck! How can any girl buy into this? This went to No. 2 in Canada, and it couldn't have gotten there on radio alone, so SOME girls must've bought into this bullshit, but how? It's so obviously disgusting and creepy. If you were to fit yourself as the girl in this scenario, there is not a single angle where Jacob Hoggard here seems trustworthy. But this isn't even the worst line!


"I don't care if you steal all my air/we can breathe yours together as one"


*phew* sorry about that, I fucking HATE these lyrics. It's so fucking obnoxious. And that little bridge where Jacob just repeats the words "let me love you babe" over and over again is just the nail getting driven deeper and deeper inside my dick hole. SO fucking insincere my god.

And all these shitty lyrics are played over the most basic, formulaic, garbage production of all fucking time. Gutless guitar, a synth more lifeless than me at this moment, a kick drum so weak that my puny ass could probably beat the shit out of it (and to a more interesting rhythm too). And these vocals are just the absolute fucking worst. Jacob couldn't ever sing to save his life, and this isn't anywhere NEAR his worst vocal performance, but he still sounds like absolute shit. His voice is just so fucking weak, it's pitiful to listen to him try and suffer through any note. And those self harmonies he does on the final chorus is one of the worst moments of the decade. He sounds like a synthesizer getting euthanized.

What a terrible fucking song. It's upbeat and sugary, but still unbelievably gross and completely incompetent from every perspective. It's the Worst Hit Songs of 2012, and I don't think I'll be talking about Hedley for a LONG time.


  1. Too Close is actually really good in my opinion. Yeah, it would be insufferable if it was played as sincere, but it clearly isn't. The production (which sounds amazing in my opinion) is loud and menacing, telling you immediately that he's meant to be the bad guy here. And when I realized that, everything just kind of clicked for me and I started to really like the song.

  2. Birthday Cake was only a dishonorable mention?!!
